Thursday, July 7, 2011

Walking "On Purpose"

  E is walking now "on purpose". Before, he would walk, but only as long as he was distracted and didn't realize he was doing it. He would sit down as soon as he noticed that he wasn't holding anything. He is consciously walking now. He does still revert to crawling though as it is faster for him at the moment than walking. I do not know why he has been so careful about walking. He has been able to stand without holding anything for many months now. He also squats and balances while he plays with things in the floor for long periods of time. Balance and strength are clearly not issues, but walking seems to be the first thing that he has approached with caution. Now that he is discovering his new ability, I think it will probably progress quickly to running and then his daddy and I are really going to be in for it!

1 comment:

  1. Hello! I am pleased to see that things are progressing for you and your little man. My Darren was so very very slow in walking. He just did not have the balance needed. Ray and I walked him around the block and back again every day, dragging his little legs and finally, HE found his legs and started walking unaided but he was about 18 months old. Very Late for most babies. I know things will move along successfully for you. I am still praying for you and your family.
