Tuesday, December 6, 2011


  I have a very active toddler. He is a happy boy though. He chatters constantly. It is not whining or crying, just chatter. We had a very long day yesterday with driving, waiting rooms, and doctor's offices. At one point, my husband took E and let him just do a few laps around the hall while we were trying to adjust the program on his hearing aids. The chatter in the room was interfering with the computer reading, so the audiologist suggested just letting him stretch his legs a little outside of the room. E ducked his head into a sound booth that was not being used. This apparently annoyed the doctor in the booth's office. He gave a dirty look and shut the door. REALLY?! A giggling toddler bothers you that much?! He didn't touch anything and the room was not in use and he recognized it because he has been in a sound booth quite a few times. Maybe it is just me, but I think a person that gives a nasty look to a happy toddler is just a miserable human being anyway.

  We stopped for dinner on the way home. When we were seated, an older lady beside us clearly was not happy to see that a toddler was going to be placed at the table beside hers. Maybe she has had bad experiences before, but do not pre-judge my kid. She was obviously a regular at the restaurant and continued to have a kind of scowl on her face as she finished her dinner. E was not doing anything wrong. He was chattering as usual, but he was happy. He was not throwing a fit or screaming or anything like that. I guess the constant chatter could be annoying. Maybe she just doesn't like kids.

  Don't get me wrong, I am all for parents being parents and keeping control of their little ones. I think any person that takes a toddler to a movie theater or a fine dining restaurant should be slapped. There are definitely places that should remain kid-free. We were not at one of those places. We were at Cracker Barrel. The place has a peg game to entertain adults on the table. As for Dr. Sourpuss, I am going to guess that he A: has no children and B: does not work with children and C: should switch to boxers because he obviously has his "panties in a bunch" if a giggling, happy little boy poking his head into an empty sound booth upsets him that much! Kids can be annoying and I will admit that I do not like every child I meet. Some kids are truly just out of control. My child is not...at least not yet. If he ever gets that way, I pray that I have the good sense not to subject the public to him until I work out the discipline at home. In the meantime, PLEASE give parents a break and realize that children are a blessing and that you USED TO BE ONE! If my little boy smiles and waves at you and you do not smile back, be aware that I will assume that you are a complete and total jerk. I just want to give the heads up on that. My message this Christmas season to all of you GRINCHES out there that cannot enjoy the twinkle of discovery in a child's eye or the music that is made when a little one giggles is simple:


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