Saturday, September 24, 2011

The Zoo Trip that Wasn't

  We had planned to take E to Deaf Day at our nearest zoo. We thought it would take about an hour to get there. This morning, we looked up direction and found that it takes and hour to get to the zoo exit, but then an additional hour to get to the actual zoo. After spending over two hours one way in a car so often lately for E's appointments, we decided that we weren't going to do that on a day that we didn't have to. We hated to miss out, but we thought that we could all use a break from long days in the car.

  We spent a lazy Saturday instead watching college football. E was hilarious! All day long, he was cracking us up with his antics. We tried time and time again to catch some of it on video, but he would always stop what he was doing when he saw the camera. I really wish I could share some of it because he is really a little entertainer. He now does a fist pump in the air whenever he sees his Daddy get excited about something on tv. When our team won, my husband shook both hands in the air and told E to "go crazy!" You would have thought E knew exactly what he said because E then ran around the room shaking his arms in the air and wiggling all over. I think we have a football fan in training for sure.

  E also added a few signs to his vocabulary today. The favorite of the moment seems to be "camel" which he signs very enthusiastically. We have been trying to make an effort to say an animal sound after each sign now that we are adding auditory training. I drew a blank at camel and blurted out "patooey" since all I could think of was that camels spit. Hey, I haven't exactly spent much time around a camel, ok? So, what sound should we make for a camel?

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