Saturday, January 14, 2012


  E showed interest in jumping for the first time tonight. He started trying to do it after we read about a kangaroo in one of his books. Our living room has been the victim of a toddler tornado in this video, but he was having a ball! It cracks me up how he is like, "I am doing the same squat and stand thing you do, but my feet aren't leaving the ground...what gives?!" He is already a balancing, climbing, tumbling dare devil so I can only imagine the things he will do when he masters jumping. I find myself on a regular basis asking, "where and HOW did you get THAT bruise?!" He currently has a bruise on the outside edge of his ear. For real. HOW is that even possible??


  1. When Thomas was little, he stayed for a little while with a friend who also had a toddler. They taught Thomas to jump. The next week, Thomas taught his friend Tyler to jump off things. Good luck.
